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Dr. Terri Baumgardner

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Dr. Baumgardner has over 25 years of experience working with some of the most successful companies and executive leaders in the world. She has a Ph.D. and Master's in Industrial / Organizational Psychology and an additional Master's in communication/journalism. Her expertise includes:  executive leadership and coaching; all aspects of talent management (recruitment; assessment, testing, and selection; performance management, succession management, and development), HR; organization effectiveness; and communication. ​Terri founded her first company, Sarber Gardner, specializing in leadership development, executive coaching, and talent management, in 2006.  


Terri took a break from her career to be her mother's primary caregiver after her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Her mother, Sally, passed in 2017. Terri's maternal grandmother and two uncles also died with the disease, so she has been learning about the illness since the 1980s. In 2017, Terri took all of this experience and wrote about it in her book, entitled, "Alzheimer's Matters: A Caregiver's Guide through Love & Learning." She is devoted to improving communication, education, and understanding related to Alzheimer's, and thereby enhancing the quality of life, care, and support for those impacted by Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, and their families.

© 2021 by Alzheimer's Matters

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